The UK's Nationwide Geology Club for Children

Happy National Fossil Day!

Ronnie's recent fossil find to mark national fossil day!Happy National Fossil Day!

Here’s a recent fossil sent in by Rockwatcher, Ronnie for identification which is likely to be a part of a bivalve shell, Trigonia costata, named by chemist and palaeontologist James Parkinson whose name lives on in Parkinson’s disease.

It is a species that appeared first in the Toarcian Stage (end of the Early Jurassic), but persisted into the Middle Jurassic – which is probably the age of this example, assuming it is from the Inferior Oolite Formation, given where it was found, meaning it was living some 170 million years ago. A representative of the Trigoniidea family is still around today, living in the Sea of Japan.

Do you have a fossil you want to find out more about?

Submit a find for identification 

Author: Helen Connolly

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