Sent in by Rockwatcher, Amina Nelson Riggott
The sun is at the centre of our solar system and it’s a ball of extremely hot gas. It’s the heaviest thing in the solar system and holds all the other planets in place by gravity. It doesn’t have any geological features as it’s a star not a planet, but if you look at its surface through a Hydrogen Alpha telescope you can see that it looks like bubbling grains with marks on (sunspots, filaments etc). The caramelised sugar on Crème Brulée looks a little like the surface of the sun so I’ve chosen this recipe – Sun Brulee.

Photo of Sun Brulee by Amina Nelson Riggott
2 egg yolks
300ml cream
2oz Caster sugar
1 vanilla pod/1 teaspoon vanilla paste
- Heat the cream up with the vanilla pod/vanilla paste in a heatproof bowl sitting on top of a pan of boiling water, until it’s really hot but not boiling.
- Whisk together the egg yolks and half of the sugar until it’s light and fluffy. Pour the cream into the egg and sugar mix and stir until mixed.
- Share out into ramekin dishes,put into an oven tray with hot water poured in it to come halfway up the sides of the ramekin dishes.
- Bake in the oven at gas mark 2 (150 c) for about an hour. They should still be wobbly. Leave them to cool and then put them in the fridge overnight
- The next day, take the dishes out of the fridge and sprinkle the tops with caster sugar, this will be the surface of the sun.
- Grill the crème brulee for a few minutes until the sugar melts and then starts to caramelise.
- Let the Sun Brulee cool down before you eat it! You don’t want to end up with sunburn.