The UK's Nationwide Geology Club for Children

We’ve removed the Booking Deadline for the 5-Day trip to Dorset

5-day fieldtrip - book the last few places now!Good news! We’ve removed the booking deadline on the 5-Day residential field trip to Dorset so that even more people can still book to join us!

Those of you who organise events will know that there is a need to have booking deadlines in place in order to meet any venue terms and conditions around numbers and cancellations. Since we have more than met the minimum number of bookings needed for the event to run, we’re now able to continue to take bookings until the last few places are filled.

So, if you missed the previous deadline and you’d like to come along then we’d love you to go ahead and book!

Find out more about this special field trip to Dorset and how to book.

Book Now

Author: Helen Connolly

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