Clare Byrne Exploring a local chalk pit with The Hertfordshire Geological Society.
A Bit About Me
I was delighted when Susan Brown invited me to replace her as Chair of Rockwatch in November last year. I’m not a Geologist by training, having studied physics at UCL which led onto two careers in physics – firstly working for various companies in research and development until the birth of my two children – and then later as a science teacher. I officially retired last year but, the shortage of physics teachers being what it is, I still teach one day a week.
But for all practical purposes I am retired, so now have time to indulge my interest in geology. This started when in the spring of 2002 I saw a flyer for Rockwatch in the local library and thought it would be fun to do it with my young children. I was right, and over the next decade the Dorset residential trip became a highlight of my year. I even lured friends and family along to share the magic.
As a physicist I worked in crystal growth, so I have a little professional experience, but I would never pretend to be a geologist. I do however love to learn, and membership of the GA and Hertfordshire Geological Society have enabled me to expand my horizons beyond the glory of the Jurassic Coast and learn to appreciate the gravels and soft white rock which surrounds St Albans, where I live.
Exciting Events Coming Up
Enough about me. What’s coming up for Rockwatch members I hear you ask?
Since taking the reins from Susan at the beginning of the year I have been mainly getting to grips with how Rockwatch runs and getting to know the wonderful team behind it.
You’ll be pleased to hear that plans are also well underway for a number of Rockwatch field trips. Confirmed trips include a visit to Frodingham Ironstone Pit with Mick Oates and Paul Hildreth and three days of trips on the Jurassic Coast with a lovely team of experts, in early August. David Bone has also agreed to lead a repeat trip to Bracklesham in late September. I’m so grateful to these leaders for their support and time.
We are hoping that the Dorset trips could be part of a residential holiday, and should have confirmation one way or the other by the end of February. We’ll post all event details in the events section of our website and social channels as we firm up the details so do check regularly for updates.
I am really looking forward to meeting Rockwatchers who have been starved of fossils over the last couple of years and whose enthusiasm will no doubt be even more evident than usual in 2023.
Best wishes